
We finally finished fixing up the condo today, just in time for the new tenants to move in next week. We are homeless right now, relying on the kindness and generosity of others. Fortunately we know some awesome people who are letting us stay with them in SD (thanks Lori and Brad!) and another family who has invited me to stay with them in Oz until we get settled. It sure is confusing though having no home. I keep having to fill out forms asking for an address, but which one do I use? The condo, my forwarding address, Phil's forwarding address, the Lents' place, our temporary digs in Oz, ... Having to pack for the two months our "household goods" are sailing across the world was confusing too. I had to pack one suitcase for summer and one suitcase for winter. We found several things the movers forgot, so somehow we'll have to get those things sent over too. We are pretty much surrounded by complete chaos until we move and get settled. Never a dull moment.


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